March, 2025

New BC Seniors’ Guide to help seniors continue living well

British Columbians can now access the updated BC Seniors’ Guide, a comprehensive tool that provides crucial information on health, housing, finances, community supports and more to help seniors continue living well.

Print copies of the enhanced 12th edition of the guide are available in English, Chinese, French, Punjabi, Farsi, Korean and Vietnamese. All languages can be accessed online in PDF format. The English version is online in e-book format. 

“Our government is committed to helping B.C.’s growing number of older adults live independently for as long as possible, to promote a healthy, active lifestyle and to provide the best possible care and support when people need it,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “Making sure information and resources about services are readily available for seniors, Elders, their families and caregivers is important to help individuals make informed health decisions and live happy, fulfilling lives.”

The new seniors’ guide includes information on programs, such as:

  • Fair PharmaCare;
  • Medical Services Plan;
  • the Home Adaptations for Independence program, which provides financial assistance for low-income seniors to modify their homes;
  • Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters, which helps make rents affordable for low- to moderate-income seniors;
  • the B.C. Senior’s Supplement, which offers a provincial top-up to the federal Old Age Security/Guaranteed Income Supplement payment;
  • the Travel Assistance program, which offers discounts for travel within the province for medical specialists’ services not available in local communities; and
  • the B.C. Bus Pass program, which offers subsidized bus passes to low-income seniors.

“Older adults, their families and caregivers have told us that access to reliable and current information is a priority for them,” said Mable Elmore, Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors’ Services and Long-Term Care. “That’s why our government continues to produce the popular BC Seniors’ Guide, which is a key source of information on programs, services and benefits for older adults in the province.”

The 12th edition includes sections on digital literacy, cultural safety, LGBTQ2S+ supports and medical assistance in dying. The guide directs individuals to the BC Centre for Disease Control for information regarding COVID-19.

“This guide is important, as it provides seniors and Elders with information and resources they can use to make informed health and care decisions, and to remain active and engaged in their communities,” said Isobel Mackenzie, seniors advocate.

To access the BC Seniors’ Guide in all seven languages, visit:

To access the BC Senior’s Guide in Punjabi language, visit:

To order free print copies, call (toll-free): 1 877 952-3181
Or in Greater Victoria: 250 952-3181

Learn More:

SeniorsBC website:

Office of the Seniors Advocate website:

HealthLink BC website:

bc211: seniors and Elders can access Safe Seniors, Strong Communities, a program through the United Way, which was launched during COVID-19 and matches older adults who need support with non-medical essentials, to volunteers in their community: 
Or by dialling 211.

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