December, 2024

5 Ways To Improve Your Life Right Now!

By Amrita Lit

Before you turn the page, I promise you this isn’t a cliche post about the new year being here and this being all the ways you can reinvent yourself.

Instead, what I am aim to do here is share what has worked for me to not just improve my life but change it drastically.


There are no words to explain how incorporating exercise into my daily life has improved my physical and mental health. We hear it time and time again but there’s a reason everyones always harping on about working out – its because it works. It really can change a horrible day to a better one. It can change your outlook from being miserable and sullen to optimistic and cheerful. It’s like a dose of happiness in the form of dedication, vigour, and sweat. So join some sort of fitness class – for me yoga has been a beckoning savour to my sanity.

Closing myself into that heated room and forgetting everything I did before class and everything I have to do after class while pushing my mental and physical self to the absolute limit changed my life! I promise it’ll change yours too, just find what works best for you. Run, walk, skip, hop, lift weights or just shake your booty for half an hour a day- just MOVE.


I’m a person whose hands start moving before my mind does. If something is bothering me, there is something so gratifying about being able to sweep and push away physical remnants of junk in order to clear my mind of all the crap floating around and stressing me out. I love being able to sort, organize, and just CLEAN until I feel better. It gives me a sense of control. That at least I can sort out some aspect of my life. Plus, when you’re in a clean environment, your thoughts are clearer, your attitude is better, and you are able to focus more on other important things rather than being suffocated by the surrounding mess.


I’m a little wishy washy on this one. As I sit here in my umpteenth messy bun of the day and my husband’s oversized t-shirt some may say I am full of it when I tell you to look good to feel good. But I honestly know for a fact that when you have combed clean hair, freshly applied lipstick, and a nice pair of jeans on – you just feel more put together, and more capable of handling the trials of your day. Looking in the mirror and liking what you see boosts your confidence, and a confident soul is a powerful one.


I know, I know, it’s easier said than done. But it is so essential to a healthy mindset to just not pay any attention to things that drag you down. Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil is the best way to approach life sometimes. Anyone who is a nuisance or annoyance to you shouldn’t have so much power over your emotional well-being. Tell yourself they’re beneath you, and do not gratify them with creeping into the depths of your mind and emotional state.


Life is all about creating the best version of ourselves. Take each day as a chance to sharpen and define your vision of what you want out of YOUR life. Continually reassess what’s around you and how it makes you feel. If one too many things don’t sit right, create change. Set goals and strive to achieve them. Always be on a journey of growth!

Well there you have it folks! The secret to the perfect happy life – yeah, I know not really. But you can get pretty darn close if you apply at least some of what I have listed above.

What’s all your opinion on these five tips? Do you have some of your own you’d like to share, or do you think I am spot on with this? Feel free to leave a comment below sharing your thoughts!

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